This Bird Does It

Librarian ramblings

Versatile Blogger


versatile-awardSo, I take more than a week off from this little blogging project and come back to find I’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award.  Now, in fairness, the sweet Genealogy Lady nominated me, and I think she might have been reaching since she was trying to only name folks she hadn’t nominated before, but it doesn’t diminish the fun of it.  Thank you so much, Deborah!  You can read her stuff at Genealogy Lady, World War II, one letter at a time.

I have seen a few of these award things around, but this is my first experience with them.  Yes, it’s a bit cheesy, but it’s an excellent way to get me going again.  I just haven’t been able to sit an write this week, and I really don’t know why.  So, here’s the deal with the award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog. (done)

2. Nominate 15 blogs for the Versatile Blogger Award, link to their page, and leave a comment notifying them of the  newly bestowed honor. (hmm, better start thinking.)

3. Tell seven things about myself. (That will be easier, but I better nominate others first.)


Okay, nominations…

1.) The Sassy Pear

2.) The Insane and The Impossible

3.) Observations From The Cracked

4.) my family is not broken

5) Two Caged Birds


You know, I just don’t have 15.  I haven’t been blogging, or reading blogs, long enough to know 15 who should be nominated.  Yup, I’m gonna leave it at five.  If I come up with more, I’ll add them, but for now, it’s just five.


Now, seven things about me.

1.) I am a child of God.  I’m also a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, blah, blah, blah.  But first, I’m a child of God.

2.) I absolutely love sushi.  I don’t get to eat it enough because my family doesn’t eat it, but I love it.

3.) I am a direct descendant of Gov. William Bradford.  I don’t care enough to actually join the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, but I’ve confirmed the lineage with them, and I might someday if the kids want want to apply for scholarships.  I’m also a direct descendant of the first Italian American, Pietro Cesare Alberti.  He married a Dutch woman, and thus ends my Italian heritage.

4.) I haven’t grown my natural hair color out since I was 13.

5.) I was 40 years old before I figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up.

tongue6.) My most favorite leisure activity in the whole world is reading a good book in a comfy chair with a warm (or cold, depending on the season) beverage.  It almost never happens.

7.) I can touch my nose with my tongue.  It’s not my best look, but I can do it.

Author: tenoclockbird

Just another mommy/student/librarian wannabe writing a blog.

4 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger

  1. I’m somewhat comforted to know you only have five blogs, not fifteen. 😉

  2. It wasn’t a reach or a stretch! I think you are pretty versatile with what you write about. I like to nominate newer blogs, otherwise I just end up nominating the same dozen or so. 🙂
    I am also a descendant of Gov. William Bradford, so hello cousin!
    And yes, these blogging awards are very cheesy, but they certainly drive extra traffic to our blogs and it is always fun to see what everyone else is reading.

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